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Evening Diwali | Dog Day of Worship 2019

On October 26th, 2019 we were able to successfully host our first Kukur Tihar (Dog Day of Worship) event in Chicago with the help of our friend Jessica from Real Dog Moms of Chicago (RDMOC) and Heather from One Tail at a Time Dog Rescue (OTAT) to honor our Amazing Paws.

The event was amazing beyond our expectation. We were able to celebrate more than 30 dogs for their love and loyalty and thank them with special Nepalese treats specially made for Kukur Tihar blessings. We would like to thank RDMOC, OTAT, and our family members who flew in from DC and Nepal to make this a wonderful night. It was an absolute honor to be part this event which helped raise funds for OTAT and a shelter in Nepal.

Here are some pictures from the event and please do check out OTAT's website if you are looking for an adoptable fur friend.

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